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The mission of Pigtown Main Street is to enhance the commercial corridor by improving the aesthetics, promoting branded events, connecting community institutions and protecting the Pigtown identity. Pigtown Main Street is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to the commercial revitalization of the Washington Boulevard commercial corridor. Founded in 2000, we’re an original member of Baltimore Main Streets and we are an accredited main street organization with the goal to ensure the continues success of the Historic Pigtown community. Pigtown Main Street provides assistance to local businesses in planning, designing and managing their physical environment, specifically, vacant buildings, streetscapes, public facilities and open spaces. Our professional team helps identify proven solutions for growth-related issues within the historic Pigtown community. From our Main Street organization, Pigtown businesses and residents alike gain a powerful resource and advocate who can assist in continuous realization of the Annual Pigtown Festival and improvements to the historic Pigtown community. With your support, we can help Historic Pigtown realize its full potential! [read more]
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